seasonal florist + cut flower garden


Flower Bouquet Subscriptions

Give the Gift that Keeps on Giving… Spring Bouquet Subscriptions

The perfect gift for the person who already has everything, our Spring Bouquet Subscriptions are a great way to say you care.

Each Wednesday this spring we will be sending out flower bouquets to all our subscription holders. These bouquets will feature the best the week has to offer on our little flower farm.


Subscriptions are hoping to start late March (when the weather finally begins to warm!) and we have plenty to choose from. Each bouquet will be filled with blooms like hyacinth, ranunculus, anemones, a variety of tulips, iceland poppies and a selection of Irish foliage and budding branches. We have limited availability for our late March slots due but also have plenty beginning in Early April.

spring flowers tulips flower farm cork ireland between the briars

Preordering as a gift?

If you decide to preorder as a gift there’s an option for us to send a hand written card before hand. Just to let them know you are gifting them a subscription with a customised message of your choosing.

Delivery Locally or Nationwide

We can deliver our bouquets locally to your doorstep or we can ship nationwide with our next day courier service. Working with DHL means that your bouquet will be arranged and shipped out the day it was harvested, reaching you (or a loved one) literally within hours of arranging! We have been so impressed with DHL 99% reliability rate, we’d actually venture to say its 110% next day delivery.

spring bouquet flowers grown in ireland  county cork between the briars


When purchasing each subscription you end up with around €15 savings on the bouquets and delivery. We’ve knocked €10 off each subscription which means you end up with three €40 bouquets for €110 instead of €120! There’s also a more savings on the delivery costs! Since we will be doing all our subscription deliveries together. We would like to pass some of the time saved doing “one-off” deliveries on to you!

If you’re interested in signing up or sending a loved one our Spring Bouquet Subscription head to our shop page by clicking below

Or if you would like to ask us a question head to our Contact form or email us at

We would love to hear from you!