seasonal florist + cut flower garden


Our Tulip Vase Life: 11 Days and Counting <UPDATED>

We are so proud of our tulips this year!

We have fun colours and textures blooming at the moment, with an icredible vaselfie to them!

When harvested and arranged at ‘coloured bud’ stage we are finding our tulips can last up to 10 days or even more!

We hesitate to make any claims, so as an example we have been posting on our social media stories a timeline of photos from one tulip that was harvested in bud and kept in a vase of water in our living room. We are currently at 11 days and there’s no sign of stopping!

Update: This tulip bloomed for 14 days and looked great, it has now begun to dry in the vase (5 days later)

The only tricks we have done for this tulip are changing the water and recutting the stem at an angle! No floral food, keeping in the fridge or any other funny business at all : )

This slideshow is of a double fringed tulip called “Sensual Touch”, each photo was taken the following day from the previous photo

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