seasonal florist + cut flower garden


Spring Flowers Grown in Co. Cork Ireland

Irish grown flowers usually take a break around early December to mid March. This is mainly for the fact that most Irish growers don’t use heated tunnels and the outside weather and day length make growing outdoors very difficult and slow.

irish grown tulips in our tunnel glanmire county cork ireland between the briars

In Holland growers use light and heated greenhouse to help keep flowers blooming, not to mention flying in the hard to grow flowers from sunnier climes.

Winter season as a flower grower in Ireland gives a chance for reflection and a good window to plan the new growing season. That said, around this time of year we start to miss flowers and look forward to the Spring season and all the crops we’ve planted back in Autumn.

This year we have grown the widest variety for spring blooms yet. We are trialing a few over wintered crops like iceland poppy, cerinthe, nigella, campanula, larkspur, queen annes lace and sweet rocket.

Our bulbs and corm varieties include: of course thousands of tulips, we also planted hundreds of ranunculus and anemone in our tunnel, a couple hundred hyacinth, as well as a thousand narcissi and several hundred allium. These varieties will form as the backbone to our flower delivery bouquets. We hope that these planned out crops will make for exciting mixes in our weekly bouquet deliveries!

Flower Deliveries

Our flower deliveries will hopefully start around late March and early April, weather depending. We will be posting in our shop as well as our newsletter to let our customers know we are ready for taking orders. nationwide delivery will be in effect this year as we had great success in 2020.

We’re really looking forward to creating Spring flower bouquets for all our customer’s in the coming months! There’s been a lot of planning to get us to this point, we can’t wait to share the blooms with you! Arranged from our little florist studio in Glanmire, Co. Cork.

If you would like to send someone special a gift for Valentine’s day why not give them a Spring Bouquet Subscription? More on bouquet subscriptions click here

If you would like another great way to support an Irish flower farm in the early months you can do so by sending a gift voucher! see below

Online Gift Voucher
from €35.00